龙游朱氏植物塑料有限公司坐落于中国浙江省龙游县工业科技孵化园区(原龙游草宝植物塑胶有限公司),是一家多年致力于植物纤维等生物质材料研、产、销为一体的绿色高科技企业。 公司荣获国家专利的技术为一种植物纤维的制作发法,主要利用麦杆、稻草、玉米杆、杂草、竹木屑等各种植物固体废弃物为原料,提取植物纤维,生产出可完全降解的热塑料原材料,并通过多年的实践后可以大量生产,具有广泛的应用空间和市场价值。由于该新型材料具有良好的热塑型,可以在各注塑厂家直接利用现有设备生产加工,成型后的制品具有可完全降解性,并可以回收再利用,在应用上替代不可降解的塑料制品方面尤其显著。 公司拥有自主知识产权,获多项发明专利。技术和产品质量经国家环保产品质量监督检验中心、奥地利化学以及技术研究所等相关部门检测,产品适用范围广并且完全达到环保要求。并通过“浙江省科技创新项目”、“浙江省高技术产业化发展项目”鉴定、验收。 公司目前的主要产品为本公司自主研发生产的植物塑料注塑粒子和植物塑料泡沫粒子。同时我们经过多年跟广大厂家合作后也推出了植物塑料注塑制品、植物塑料泡沫制品、炭纤维塑料粒子及制品的各类具体应用型产品。 公司现已从研发阶段步入快速发展期,真诚邀约广大有识之士共谋发展。我们可以在植物塑性材料或制品方面进行代理或经销,也可以在技术应用方面进行项目合作。 Longyou zhu's Plant Plastic Co., Ltd. is a research and trade oriented enterprise relying on the technology of comprehensive development and utilization of plant fiber types of biological raw materials. The major research focus is on the technological development of fully biodegradable materials. 1. The plant plastic and rubber series of products are characterized by: (1) Major compositions are ground plant fibers such as straws, weeds, wood fillings and bamboo fillings. (2) Production facilities and equipments used for plastics and food manufacturing can be used with minimal investment. (3) Capable of producing various specifications and shapes of packings, daily utensils, toy parts, handicrafts to replace plastics, foamed plastics, wood and bamboo products. (4) Due to the simple and unique nature of the manufacturing process, the products of this technology have wood and/or plastic-like quality and appearance. (5) The products are of low cost, no public hazards, fully biodegradable and fully recyclable. (6) The production process is free of emissions. 2. Product type: (1) Injection granules--Injection product; (2) Foamed granules --Foamed product. 3. We have been granted many patents, and these projects have been recognized as “Zhejiang Scientific Innovation Projects”, and Zhejiang Hi-Tech Industrialization Projects. The products comply with food packing requirements as inspected by China National Environmental Protection Product Quality Control Center, and comply with environmentally- friendly packing requirements as tested by Austrian Chemistry and Technology Institute. Our essays on the technology have been included in the Preprints of the 3rd International Conference of Technology & Application of Biodegradable and Biobased Plastics and Abstracts of International Congress on Biological Invasion. 4. We offers the following services: (1) Supply plant plastic and rubber granules to plastics manufacturing plants for injection molding; (2) Provide equipments and processes for foamed packings; (3) P rovide production technologies for novel plant plastic and rubber materials; (4) P rovide production technologies of carbon products. 5. Methods of cooperation: (1) Injection project in terms of technology, patent rights, equipment, mould, production technology and technical training; (2) Foamed project in terms of a complete range of e
- 所在地区:浙江省衢州市龙游县
- 行业分类:塑料制品业
- 地址:浙江省 衢州市 浙江省龙游县小南海镇后周
- 邮编:324400
所在地:广东省惠州市经营范围:青梅、减肥果冻、代餐果冻、排毒饮料、代餐粉、果蔬汗饮料、植物 所在地:陕西省西安市经营范围:天然植物提取物技术研发;化工产品的销售;食品添加剂的研发、销 所在地:江苏省苏州市经营范围: 花草盆景 苏州花卉租赁 苏州花木租赁 苏州花卉租摆 苏 所在地:广东省东莞市经营范围:汽车内饰植绒胶水,汽车储物盒植绒胶水,静电植绒胶水,水性胶水 所在地:广东省广州市经营范围:广州辐照灭菌 植物原药材 中药饮片 生物制品 植物提取物 矿 所在地:山东省聊城市经营范围:油酸、脂肪酸、硬脂酸、植物沥青 所在地:江苏省南京市经营范围:防爆灯管;防爆灯具;冷阴极管;UVA紫外线灯;灭蝇,诱虫灯; 所在地:陕西省西安市经营范围:植物提取物、保健食品原料 所在地:四川省成都市经营范围:生物技术的研究及推广;农业科技推广咨询服务;农作物的种植及销 所在地:陕西省西安市经营范围:主要以植物提物、动物提取物的技术研发、技术转让及技术服务;保 所在地:陕西省咸阳市经营范围:玉米、水稻、果园、中药材等农作物除草剂 苗圃(林地)专用除 所在地:陕西省宝鸡市经营范围:医药、保养 植物提取物